
אל תתן למי שאתה, להפריע למי שאתה יכול להיות
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תמונות מסדאות בבלגרד  בבלגרד קיימנו תכנית אימון מקיפה בת שנתיים לצוות ההנהלה הבכיר ולמנהלי המחלקות של חברת DonCafe (חברת בת של שטראוס עלית אינטרנשיונל). 

  לתמונות מבלגרד

צוות ההנהלה הבכיר הקריא את המכתב מעורר ההשראה הזה, ביום פתיחת הסדנה 
הראשונה למנהלי המחלקות:




Doncafe is all about people.

We can be junior or senior Manager, or simple employee, but all of us have wishis, opinion and different way of expressing  our self.

In order to try to enjoy more our job, our private life we asked Osnat to take us for a trip to 9 different worlds and 9 different human languages.

Of course, to visit 9 different worlds and to try to understand 9 different human languages in only few hours is almost mission impossible.

So , it is going to be an introduction, but you will feel and see that it is an interesting trip and we  will make all efforts to go continue this trip.

We as a management team are already in this process with Osnat for some time, starting from books till practicing and using this knowledge in day-to-day relationship and all of us found it very interesting and helpful; it helped us to have better relationship between ourselves as well in our relationships with you as direct reporters.

It is not a secret that you are the people who lead this company forward in very successful way, together with us as management team. This trip can help us, as well to help you to have better communication. Let your self being out of the box for few hours; enjoy your wonderful trip with Osnat and try to experience something new…

Good Luck!

11210 Kotež , VIII Sutjeska 25/2 ,Serbia &Montenegro - phone : (+381 11 ) 20 75 141 , 20 75 175  fax: ( +381 11)  3318-556  e-mail: [email protected].


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